Provide a seamless way for everyone to manage their business finances

Verifrica helps businesses manage funds, make payments, analyze financial reports and send payroll. Making it easy for people to manage their business finances.

Bringing solutions to 100+ banks and Fintechs

The Problem

Company finance and accounting procedures are complicated experiences for both staff and clients, from bookkeeping to payroll.

The Solution

Verifrica saves time by making it easy for consumers to link their financial accounts to your technology or app.

Products & Benefits

Discover how to make the most of financial data.

  • Faster payment enrollment
    Users' account and routing details are pulled by Auth products, which can be used to make payments and transactions more smooth.
  • Smoother Invoicing
    Balance product instantly checks whether users have the funds to make a payment or transfer.
  • Simplify expense management
    Identity verifies users' identities to what the bank has on hand, and Transactions can assist with locating a reimbursable transaction.
  • Better Bookkeeping
    For personal and business accounts, Transactions usually offers 24 months of tidy, categorized data.

Questions about how Verifrica can fit into your business ?

Our Sales team can help you find the right solution. Fill out the form and we’ll get in touch shortly.