The future of financial services in Africa

Verifrica is a payment platform that helps individuals and businesses access a broad range of high-quality financial data from banks across Africa aiding users to make and receive payments with ease.

Connect to financial bank accounts in seconds
Verifrica prioritizes the interest of our users, with a flexibility that allows you connect with your financial institution securing services, and sharing data across various banking channels.
Secure, easy and reliable to use solution
We aim at providing a platform that enables financial institutions to help their customers attain better financial outcomes.We are aware of the importance of customer information, Verifrica provides a private, secure, and reliable platform to access financial data.
Beautiful user experience for customers
We focus on having a sound understanding of users, what they need, and value. With our beautiful user experience, we hope to improve the quality of our user’s interaction and perception of our product.
For developers, by developers
Verifrica provides developers with access to tools, documentation, and resources on how to access data and financial accounts across Africa 's various banking channels, through our easy and reliable APIs.
http code 200
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